BioTechUSA Iso Whey Zero (BTNIVZ-3582)


BioTechUSA Iso Whey Zero (BTNIVZ-3582)

7,00 RON
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Descrierea produsului
Iso Whey Zero - Izolat din zer nativ de calitate premium fara zahar , fara lacozasi fara gluten. Ingredient de baza izolat din zer cu adaos de aminoacizi BCAA si glutamina. Ingredient de baza: izolat din zer nativ Continut proteic exceptional Cu adaos de aminoacizi: l-glutamina si BCAA Absorbtie rapida si usoara Fara zahar , lactozasi gluten Fara conservanti Fara ulei de palmier Fara aspartamIn cazul produselor in forma de pulbere afirmatia se refera la produsul gata preparat cu apaIn caz de diluare maxima produsul nu contine lactozaPerformanta incepe cu ingredientele de baza. Zerul nostru nativ este facuta direct din lapte proaspat prin pasteurizare, urmata de micro- si ultrafiltrare la temperaturi scazute, dupa ce se efectueaza pulverizarea intr-o camera speciala de uscare. Datorita acestei proceduri unice, structura proteica este conservata in forma sa cea mai completa si ramane, de asemenea, bogata in imunoglobulina (anticorp) si lactoferina (parte a sistemului imunitar). De asemenea, materia prima nu contine substante chimice si nici alti contaminanti. ZERO COMPROMISURIDatorita continutului remarcabil de proteine, Iso Whey Zero este o alegere perfecta pentru sportivii activi care depun toate eforturile pentru un corp definit si musculos, dar de asemenea este o alternativa excelenta pentru cei care sunt la dieta. 1 portie contine: 93 kcal 21 g proteine 4.5 g de BCAA CE ESTE INTOLERANTA LA LACTOZA?Lactoza, cunoscuta si sub numele dezahar din lapte , este un carbohidrat complex, reprezentand aproximativ 2-8% din continutul de substanta uscata a laptelui. Avem nevoie in principal de lactoza in timpul copilariei si, prin urmare, mai tarziu organismul nostru de multe ori nu produce deloc enzima numita lactaza, necesara pentru a descompune lactoza, ceea ce cauzeaza intoleranta la lactoza. In zilele noastre aproape 75% din populatia lumii sufera de intoleranta la lactoza. PROTEINA CA sI NUTRIENTProteina este un element esential al corpului nostru, o sursa de nutrienti alcatuita din aminoacizii produsi de corpul nostru si suplimentati din surse externe. Contribuie la mentinerea si cresterea tesuturilor musculare. AI nevoie de mai multe proteine daca faci sport in mod regulat, daca doresti sa-ti cresti masa musculara, daca doresti sa pierzi in greutate. DE CE UN SUPLIMENT PROTEIC?Pentru ca este modalitate rapida, conveneabila si eficienta de a suplimenta aportul tau proteic. Ai nevoie doar de produs, de un shaker si putina apa. Absorbtia acestor produse este poate fi rapida (30-40 de minute), moderata (1-2 ore) sau lenta (peste 2 ore) Iso Whey Zero este alcatuita din ingrediente sigure si atent selectate. Mod de administrare : Amestecati o portie (25 g1 cupa plina2 linguri) cu 200 ml sau 350 mlde apa intr-un shaker (In cazul diluarii maxime, produsul este fara lactoza). In zilele de antrenament luati o portie dimineata si o portie imediat dupa antrenament. In zilele de pauza luati o portie dimineata si o portie dupa masa. BiotechUSA Iso Whey ZERO Compozitie:Cantitatea unei doze:25,00 g1 scoop filled to the top mark2 heaped tablespoonsNumarul portiilor1 20 36 54 9025 g RI 2100gCalorii 395 kJ93 kcal 1 579 kJ372 kcalGrasimi 0,00 g 1,60 gdin care saturate 0,3 g 1 gCarbohidrati 1,30 g 5,20 gZahar0,5 g 0,8 gProteine 21,00 g 84,00 gSare 0,18 g 0,71 gMacronutrienti 84,0% Proteine5,2% Carb. 0,0% Grasimi10,8% AlteleDescompunerea caloriilor 92,6% Proteine5,7% Carb. 0,0% GrasimiVitamins and Minerals (other ingredients)25 g NRV 3Essential Amino Acids (EEA 39;s) 9448 mgConditionally Essential Amino Acids (CAAs) 7144 mgNonessential Amino Acids (NAAs) 4408 mgTotal BCAAs 4489 mg2 RI%: Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ 2000 kcal). No NRV has been established. 3 NRV%: Nutrient reference value for adults. Allergen informationMade in a plant that produces foods containing milk, eggs, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts. Sugar-free: 0.5 g sugar 100 ml ready-to-drink. Gluten-free in accordance with European Union regulations. Lactose-free: 0.1 g lactose 100 ml ready-to-drink beverage. WarningThe consumption of this product is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle! White chocolate whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Vanilla whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Chocolate whey protein isolate 84% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Strawberry whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), salt, L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (Allura Red AC¹). ¹Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Pineapple-mango whey protein isolate 89% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)1. 1Tartrazine and Allura Red AC may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Banana whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Raspberry whey protein isolate 91% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5%, acid (citric acid), flavourings, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (Allura Red AC1, indigotine). ¹Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods. Store product in a cool, dry place. Coconut whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, acid (citric acid), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Tiramisu whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, instant coffee, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), cinnamon, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. WARNING: The product contains caffeine. Not recommended for children, or pregnant women. (10 mg caffeine 100 ml ready to drink product, or 6 mg caffeine 100 ml ready to drink product in case of maximal dilution. ) Cookies Cream whey protein isolate 82% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 5.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti- caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, chocolate powder [cocoa mass, cocoa butter, fat- reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), flavouring], emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), cinnamon, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, sweetener (sucralose). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Lemon cheesecake whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti- caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins ( soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Apricot-yoghurt whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], acid (citric acid), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine, Allura Red AC)¹. ¹Tartrazine, Allura Red AC: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Hazelnut whey protein isolate 87% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), flavourings, salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Pistachio whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins ( soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti- caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colours (tartrazine1, indigotine). 1Tartrazine: may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Walnut liqueur whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, sweetener (sucralose). Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Chocolate-toffee whey protein isolate 86% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, L-Glutamine 3.1%, colour (ammonia caramel), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, thickener (carrageenan, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Pina colada whey protein isolate 90% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], L-Glutamine 2.5%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), emulsifier: lecithins (soy), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), acid (citric acid), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%, colour (tartrazine¹). ¹Tartrazine may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Berry brownie whey protein isolate 83% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], fat-reduced cocoa powder, L-Glutamine 4%, creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], flavourings, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), salt, anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing food. Salted caramel whey protein isolate 88% [whey protein isolate, emulsifier: lecithins (soy)], creamer [partly hydrogenated coconut fat, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (E471, E472a), glucose syrup, sucrose, milk protein, stabiliser (potassium phosphates), anti-caking agent (calcium phosphates)], L-Glutamine 3.1%, flavourings, salt, emulsifier: lecithins (soy), thickeners (carrageenan, xanthan gum), colour (ammonia caramel), anti-caking agent (silicon dioxide), L-Leucine 0.2%, sweetener (sucralose), L-Isoleucine 0.1%, L-Valine 0.1%. Made in a plant that manufactures milk, egg, gluten, soy, crustaceans, sulphur dioxide and nuts containing foods. BEST BEFORE (day month year): See in the white field (LOT EXP). Store product tightly closed, in a cool, dry place.



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